In My Mailbox (July 10, 2011)

The weekly In My Mailbox post is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is fun to see what everyone else gets in their mailboxes, shopping bags, and library visits. Click on the link to The Story Siren's site to see the rules and join in the fun.
I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow when you see all the wonderful books everyone gets. You will discover lots of great blogs and lots of books that you won't be able to live without.
I added too many new books to my stack again this week. First, were the free books for my Kindle.
I got On Basilisk Station by David Weber from the Baen Free Library. I have read this book which is the first in the Honor Harrington series. I wanted to re-read it and thought it would be convenient to have it on my Kindle. 

A Cold Day for Murder by Dana Stabenow is the first in the Kate Shugak series of mysteries. I have been meaning to check these out and getting a free copy for my Kindle made me decide to do it now. 

I also got Never a Bride by Amelia Gray for my Kindle. This is an Regency romance which is also a mystery which are two genres I like. 
Kiss at Your Own Risk by Stephanie Rowe is supposed to be a humorous paranormal romance. I have not read anything by this author and thought I would give her books a try. 

The Mistress' House by Leigh Michaels is a Regency romance with three intertwined stories. Leigh Michaels is another author that I have not read. These free books give me a chance to see if I like an author's style.

I also received the eARC of Break Out by Nina Croft from Entangled Publishing via NetGalley. This one is multi-genre. It is science fiction, erotic romance, and paranormal fiction in one short, well-written package. 

Then there were the print books that made their way to my mailbox.
Burning Down the Spouse by Dakota Cassidy sounded appealing to me when I read the blurb. Wife of celebrity chef catches him cheating on her and burns down his TV set. I'm curious to know what happens next.

Hammered by Kevin Hearne is the third book in the Iron Druid Chronicles. I have books 1 and 2 but haven't read them yet. I'll have to take a quick look at the end of book three to see if more are coming. If not, it will be time to read the whole series. 

Never Cry Wolf by Cynthia Eden fits into so many of my favorite genres. It is urban fantasy/paranormal romance and it has werewolves. I just had to have it!
Dead Iron by Devon Monk is steampunk. I have heard such good things about this book that I had to add it to my TBR stack. 

Last, the anthology that I ordered quite a while ago because it has stories by Jim Butcher and Patricia Briggs in it arrived. Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy edited by Ellen Datlow has stories by boatloads of well-known authors in the genre.

That was what I got in my mailbox. What did you get in yours?

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