When I had my word processing business, Kristy was in high school, and when I had a job that included a lot of numbers, like address lists, I'd hire her to find typos. She would get ten cents for every typo she found. I'm good at proofing, but she is even better, and she always found something.
Since I posted that her birthday was coming up, I've gotten a couple of e-mails from her with the Subject: Typo. The first e-mail said her birthday is on the 30th, not the 31st. Then I got another one today, same subject, saying she was going to be 38, not 39. Oops. Sorry Kristy - but I'll never forget that wonderful day. After having your own kids, you know how happy your birth day was for me. : )
We walked around last evening and checked out the rest of the campground. I met up with a couple of women in the library, and it is really a library, not just a shelf of old paperbacks. There is a wall of shelves full of books. I asked them about the campground residents, and they said about 75% of the people live here full time.
The entire grounds are kept clean and neat, and the buildings, too.
Here's the laundry room:
Nice spot to stop and enjoy the view
Here's the laundry room:
Large table for folding clothes and a nice magazine rack. Makes sense to have magazines in the laundry room instead of books. When I checked in, Virginia said the cost for a load to wash and dry is cheap, so I'll check out what it costs in a few days.
The restroom looks large and clean, too. I had Katie with me, so I didn't go in and check out the showers, but I use my own shower in The Palms, so I won't be using this one. I've been surprised at how many Rversuse the campground showers when they have one in their rig. Some people told me they use their shower for storage, and it is a large area, volume-wise, to store things in. A tension rod for clothes above and the floor for other items makes a nice extra closet. I only use mine for storage when I'm driving. I'm just too lazy to walk over to the showers!
Large clean bathroom
Catamaran launch area
Looking up into one of the huge trees
Warm, clear, breezy - perfect sailing weather
Katie loves getting treats out of her Kong
I've never studied lakes or water movement, and I haven't spent much time by a lake. A little fishing, but that's all. I'm sitting here at my dinette this morning looking out the window and enjoying the view of the lake. The waves keep coming in. Where do they go? Are waves coming in all around the lake? Is the other side of this large lake getting waves, too? I guess it must be. It's like a mini ocean with continuous movement. I remember lakes I've seen before being calm. Maybe it's the breeze moving the water to shore? How can I be 66 years old and not know this?
Look at the sun shining on the water this morning:
Awesome view to wake up to in the morning.
It's almost 10:30 - time to wake Katie up and get going with our day.
Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone! : )