Top Five Methods For Deafeating A Horde Of Undead Ducks

Guest post by the hilarious Myra McEntire.

1. Play this. I double dog dare you to watch the whole thing and not have your brain melt from the awesome. But make sure the Undead Ducks watch it, too, or they'll slurp your brain up off the floor.

2. A turkey fryer. They aren't just for Thanksgiving anymore. (Although I don't recommend you eat the duck. Well, unless you shove a chicken inside the duck and then shove the duck inside a turkey. That Paula Deen, she taught me all I need to know about Turducken. And butter. Also cream cheese.)

3. Run them over with a golf cart. Ducks seem to naturally gather around the water hazards on golf courses. I expect if they were looking for BRAAAAIIIIINZZZZZ a golfer would be a good choice ... no wait. Never mind.

4. Flaming arrows. Distance, as well as fire. It's enough to make a Cullen sweat.

5. Show them this. I don't really need to explain, do I? And you can blame C.J. when you need to bleach your brain. She's the one who sent it to me.

*is busy revisiting her breakfast the hard way* Yes! I admit it! I did send that to Myra once for motivational purposes. But, dear reader, I would never have subjected YOU to it. Never.

Thank you, Myra, for the entertaining post! Did you miss out on last week's giveaway of Myra's fabulous debut novel HOURGLASS? Don't worry, I've got you covered. This week, I'm giving away an incredible necklace designed just for HOURGLASS by the talented Tashina Falene (check out her shop!).

I love that the hourglass is real, and you can spin it around the clock face. This necklace was designed specifically for HOURGLASS and is the only one of its kind! There are many ways to earn extra entries, and the contest is open to North America. To enter, please fill out the form below. The contest is open until 8 p.m. Central Time Monday, June 27th. Good luck!

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