kickin' up dust

Well, life carries on whether you are sore or not. And yes, this hurts but it could have been much worse.  I am on medication and taking it as easy as I can just before an explosion of relatives and friends arrive. I still have a house of cats to care for besides my own but again...I am getting  help. Kane will be walked but not by me this week. (I'll miss that the most)

Wedding preparations are all done and now the partying begins. Wedding is Saturday, June 11 in Perth, Ont. If the weather co-operates it will be in the Stewart Park in Perth.

The 'boys' were off to Montreal Saturday for a bachelor party for John. They took the train. John has many good friends and they grew up together in our small town of Carleton Place (population around 10,000). I love all these guys. They are just the best bunch of buddies. They were soccer players and still play. They had a great time as I would never have imagined otherwise. Here is one photo from the night. Great looking bunch, these guys. The groom-to-be is third from the left in black.
                                              'Kickin' up dust in Montreal, Quebec.'

Thank you for all your nice comments and best wishes. You are so nice and thoughtful and I really love that.
Btw....Gary is feeding the ferals for me this week. You should see the length of the to-do list I have given him. Good thing he has a sense of humour. :-)

hugs, Deb

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