Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program Is Speeding Up

'Iran Could Produce A Nuclear Weapon Within Two Months' It Is Claimed As U.N. Atomic Watchdog Reveals Concerns -- The Daily Mail

* IAEA voicing growing concern about Iran nuclear work
* U.N. agency wants prompt access to sites and officials
* Iran denies military aims, rebuffs cooperation request

Iran is only a matter of months from being able to create a nuclear weapon, according to experts.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 54, has long been pushing his country's nuclear capabilities, and at the current rate of uranium enrichment the first bomb could be eight weeks away.

Gregory S. Jones, from RAND, published a report this week explaining the severity of the situation and to confirm the fears expressed by a United Nations watchdog.

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More News On Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program

New Data Hints at Iranian Nuke Efforts: Amano -- Global Security Newswire
Iran’s Recent Nuclear Work Raises New Concerns at UN Watchdog -- Bloomberg
New data suggests Iran military link - U.N. atom chief -- Reuters
Pressure builds over Iran nuclear activities -- Financial Times
Iran to answer new IAEA questions if alleged studies declared " closed": ambassador -- Xinhuanet
Jeremy Bernstein’s Nuclear Propaganda Fail. The New York Review of Books Gets It Wrong on Iran -- Nima Shirazi, Foreign Policy Journal
Iran Nukes in Two Months? -- Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard
Iran’s Nuclear Efforts Are Accelerating -- Heritage Foundation
Why the Arab Spring Has Failed to Thaw the Iran Nuclear Standoff -- Tony Karon, Time
Countdown Resumes on Iranian Nukes -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary

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