by Tony Cartalucci

Bangkok, Thailand June 14, 2011 - The degenerate, profiteering liars that populate the Serbian based "CANVAS" organization maintain that while the US government had initially funded them as they overthrew the government of Serbia in 2000, currently the US government does not fund them - that they are privately funded. Unfortunately for these meddling interlopers, the US government itself is "privately owned" by many of the people who fund the organizations they claim as partners.
These partners include:
Albert Einstein Institution (foundation-funded including the corporate-lined Acra Foundation)
United States Institute for Peace (USIP) (funded through Congress)
Freedom House (Neo-Con infested)
International Republican Institute (IRI) (headed by warmonger John McCain)
New Tactics (Ford Foundation-funded, Soros-funded)
Humanity in Action (Ford Foundation-funded, US State Department-funded)
The organization is obviously sensitive about who it is seen dealing with, partnering with, and receiving money from. Knowledge of its true nature and purpose has systematically been lied about from its very inception. Foreign Policy reported that "Like the entire opposition to Milosevic, Otpor [now known as CANVAS] took money from the U.S. government, and lied about it. When the real story came out after Milosevic fell, many Otpor members quit, feeling betrayed." As CANVAS was exposed for its more recent involvement in Egypt, they quickly changed their "Partnership" page to "External Links." In a recent documentary, where CANVAS openly claims responsibility for training and guiding unrest across the planet, they reiterate that they are not funded by the US government. This is a dubious claim at best, considering who they associate with and how their "mission" dovetails with identical efforts by openly US-funded and sponsored organizations like
The documentary produced by Journeyman Pictures features CANVAS, its founder, and the story of how they have influenced "color revolutions" all over the globe. While the documentary is fairly objective about its particular subject matter, namely CANVAS' role in the unrest, within a greater context and amidst overwhelming evidence there is no question at all whether or not these revolutions are entirely engineered and contrived.

Apparently unaware of the giant, foreign-funded logo looming over his right shoulder, Mohamed Adel of April 6 tries to convince his audience that there was no foreign plot behind Egypt's recent foreign-funded revolution.
The documentary concludes contemplating the future of Egypt and Tunisia and the changes that are to come. One Egyptian activist, Mohamed Adel of the April 6 Movement, while siting in front of a giant banner featuring the US-funded Otpor fist claims that the US is incapable of influencing millions of people - seemingly unaware of the mass manipulation and social engineering of America's 300 million people, or the billions conned, duped, manipulated, and certainly "influenced" by the Fortune 500 globally on a daily basis. He claims that the Egyptian people want to be the masters of their own destiny, ironically, even as a US-funded logo looms over his shoulder and even after he himself trained in Serbia at the US-founded CANVAS and his own April 6 Movement attended a US State Department-sponsored confab in NYC in 2008 to train for a revolution now admittedly engineered from abroad and led by Mohamed ElBaradei, a listed member on the US corporate-funded International Crisis Group.
The documentary claims that Tunisians are busy enjoying their new "freedoms," showing footage of people talking on phones and conversing in public. Unfortunately, freedom is not talking, nor is it even casting a vote in an election. Freedom is being the undisputed master of your own destiny, being independent both politically and economically. However, with the nationalistic regimes deposed and the "economic liberation" underway in the US State Department's newly despoiled lands, rules, regulations, decrees and laws will be imposed upon these "free nations" by self-proclaimed international arbiters, corporate-funded policy think-tanks, and contrived, illegitimate "international" courts - all entirely offshore and removed from any sense of accountability to the people they lord over, including the Tunisians and Egyptians.
As the global corporate-financier elite and their tangled web of NGOs, civil society organizations, and their international military machines stall in Libya and Syria, they still are staging and moving against other sovereign nations with their social engineering "color revolutions." The list is extensive, including Belarus, Venezuela, Iran, Thailand, China, Myanmar, and even Pakistan.
Know these charlatans and know their game, as they are far from through. And while their dark deeds are done in far flung distant lands, the empowerment and hubris they reap from afar will soon enough be brought home to bear. Threats to target Texas with a "no-fly zone" after an attempt to usurp the TSA's authority already echos the madness being exercised in war-ravaged Libya. Libya's battle and the dangerous precedent a victory there for the globalists would set is already hitting home.