Book Beginning & Friday 56: The Devil in Disguise by Stefanie Sloane

Happy Friday everybody!!

Book Beginnings

Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Katy at A Few More Pages.

Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading.

If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence.

The Friday 56

  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of Freda's Voice
  • Post a link along with your post back to Freda's Voice
Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

I just started The Devil in Disguise by Stefanie Sloane. I received this ARC as a part of the Amazon Vine program. It is a Regency romance and the first of three books about the Regency Rogues.

Here is the product description from Amazon:
Lord William Randall, the Duke of Clairemont, is a rake with little regard for society—a most unlikely suitor for Lady Lucinda Grey. But his latest assignment for the Young Corinthians, an elite spy organization, involves protecting her from a kidnapping plot. To do this, the notorious “Iron Will” must use his devilish charm to seduce Lucinda and convince her he’s worthy of her attention. William never planned to become enthralled by the lovely Lady Grey—or to lose his own heart in the bargain.

Beautiful and fiercely intelligent, Lucinda has managed to gracefully sidestep even the most persistent suitors. Until the Duke of Clairemont, that is. She’s tempted by his sinfully sensuous mouth and piercing eyes, and finds it hard to resist the champion thoroughbred he offers her in exchange for the honor of courting her. Can she keep him at arm’s length when his touch begs her to let him so much closer?
Lady Lucinda Gray had not precisely decided what she would do if the overly eager Matthew Redding, Lord Cuthbert, compared her eyes to the Aegean Sea. Or the most brilliant of sapphire. It had all been said before and -- Lucinda admitted with a stab or regret -- in much more creative ways than poor Lord Cuthbert could ever dare dream.
Friday 56:
Victoria plied her fan in a most vigorous manner. "What, exactly, is wrong with the chair?"
I am eager to dive into this perfect escape novel and wallow in Regency England.

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