Her little pushed-in persian-type face became motionless and she stopped in her tracks. I took my time and gave her room to adjust to my entrance. I was armed with moist food, treats & a heart busting with love for this cat. I just went about getting her dish ready, humming and no eye-contact. She hid for a minute but she was very interested. Rattling the treat bag brought her closer. Then, I saw her behind my leg. I slowly picked her up and placed her on her familiar spot for her injection. I waited, she never moved so I placed a few treats in front of her and did the dirty deed. She never flinched. It didn't go as planned but then Emma is a cat and cats are unpredictable at the best of times. So....I expect the next few days to go smoothly with this gal.
It is a gorgeous day here and the sun has been out all day. The porch on Emma's house is exploding with flowers with hanging baskets welcoming you as you approach.
It's like a house in a children's fairy-tale. What could be better while cat-sitting than walking through the garden of paradise when you first arrive. So, so pretty.
This little one came in off the street, pregnant and hungry. Another lucky one.
hugs, Deb