A Double Referral: McKenna And Smith On EHEC



# 5615


With a constant barrage of confusing and conflicting media reports regarding the E. Coli  (EHEC/STEC) outbreak in Europe, it is fortunate that we have two very expert bloggers to help guide us through this maze.


Maryn McKenna and Tara C. Smith.


This morning, referrals to their latest blogs, listed in order of appearance.



E. coli: What we know and need to



Next up, Tara Smith’s Aetiology Blog, which also references Maryn’s last post.



The case of the missing smoking sprouts

Posted on: June 9, 2011 8:00 AM, by Tara C. Smith


If you want to get a good handle on the EHEC outbreak in Germany, both blogs are highly recommended.

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