Will Military Action Against Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi End Early?

Barack Obama Has Suggested Military Action Designed To Oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi May End Early -- The Australian/Time

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama has suggested that military action could end in Libya before Colonel Gaddafi leaves power, amid open acknowledgements of "tactical differences" over the conflict.

Standing with the Prime Minister, Mr Obama urged allies "to be more patient" and signalled that the US was all but certain to refuse further requests for additional military hardware.

He suggested that while the departure of Colonel Gaddafi was desirable and ultimately inevitable, new "minimum" criteria could be used to decide the end-point of military action.

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My Comment: The war against Gaddafi is not going to end soon .... especially since many on Gaddafi's side now know that the U.S. has little if any interest to escalate the conflict against them

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