Towe Auto Museum/California Auto Museum review

The California Automobile Museum in Sacramento (formerly the Towe Auto Museum) is a volunteer-run operation.  It has a very eclectic mix of cars.

This Jag was parked outside when I visited one bright sunny afternoon.  I'll bet it belongs to one of the docents.

In addition to a permanent collection, private car owners lend their cars to the museum for display.  One example is this bronze Maserati Mistral.

Here are a couple of Fiats.

This Maserati Indy owner happens to love guns.  Got a problem with that?

Mistral, Indy, Bora.

Motorcycle from TV series CHiPs.

Firebird!  I so wanted this as my first car.

1971 Star Streak RV.

Nissan Altra Electric Vehicle.

Chrysler 300.

Edsel.  The museum has dozens and dozens of pre- and post-war American iron.  I've neglected to take pictures of them due to time constraints.  Apologies.

Not a fan of the Countach's color.  But this is an interesting juxtaposition.

At the gift shop, I saw this set for $95.  I got mine for $25 on Craigslist!

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