My Condo is Rented! : )

This has been such a busy weekend!

I had an e-mail from a man who said he might be interested in leasing my condo.  I've met with him a couple of times, and again today and I have all of his info and a check for June rent and his deposit.  I need to call his employer and current landlord, but I don't expect any surprises. We plan to meet tomorrow night to sign the lease.  He'll  move in on June 1, the same day I'll be moving into my campsite at Santee Lakes.  YEAAAAH!

As this was going on, I've been going through everything I own for the last three days.  I've been sorting into Take, Sell, Store and Toss.   I've been taking carloads of boxes to The Palms, each time carefully putting everything away - and still have a lot of room for more things.  Tonight I got home at 7:30, and this load went on the dinette seats and table.  Nothing was put away.

I took two loads of junk, garbage and boxes in the car to the dumpster, and put about six "Store" boxes and two "Shred" boxes into the car to take to work tomorrow.  I'm going to bring Katie with me until the Estate Sale is done, so she will come to work all week.

I'm finally done.  Because I'll live here until June 1, I am keeping the guest bathroom and the coat closet in the living room "off limits" as well as the fridge and my pantry in the kitchen.  These are the things I'll keep here until I move for good into The Palms.

The Estate Sale ladies will be here about noon tomorrow.  I don't know how much they are bringing from previous sales, but my things are pretty organized.  She told me today that I should not sleep here Wednesday night, she said the night before a sale they work all night. 

The sale is 8 to 5 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so next weekend at this time it will be done. They'll have everything that's left donated to charities, unless they take some things to sell at a future sale.  Then my house will be empty except for the things I have in my "off limits" places.

I can't believe I'm finally done. But my sore feet, legs, back, fingers, and arms believe it. : )

Everything was not rosey this weekend.  When I was taking down the boxes up in my closet on Saturday, in the corner I found termite damage.  There were droppings all over the place, they were eating away at two boxes (which I put in garbage bags and brought to the dumpster), and down the wall it was eaten away. The shelf is high, I need to stand on a step stool to reach it, and the damage was right in the corner and extending both right and left.  It was so hard to reach, but I sprayed it with a kitchen cleaner and had to get a putty knife to scrape it all off, then I scraped it into a garbage bag and wiped it down with cleaning cloths.  What a mess.  I got a face mask that I still had from when we had the fires here, I was afraid of breathing in termite poop dust.  Who knows - I wasn't taking any chances.  Yucky, but it's now all cleaned up, and I took a paper bag and nailed it to the wall over the termite damage so no one could see it during the Estate Sale. 

My condo has an annual contract with a termite company who come out every year and when needed. When they come out, they don't move anything , and those boxes have been there for 6 1/2 years without being moved.  I'm going to call them right after the Estate Sale, and get them out to fix things and take care of the termites.

Finally that was done, it took me about an hour and a half.  Then I got my keys to go to The Palms and drop off boxes, I walk out to my car and there was water coming out under the door of my storage/laundry room.  I recently had a company come out and replace a hose in my washing machine.  I could never get the hoses to connect completely and had some leaking when I first moved in, so I duct taped the heck out of the connection and have never had a problem.  Well..... the service man cut it all away and said he would put the hoses firmly together and I wouldn't have any problems.  Today I had a problem.  They came undone, water sprayed all over and flooded the room. There's a lip of about 3/4 inches over the threshold, and the water was up to it and flowing over.

Again, What a mess!

I got everything out on the driveway and swept and swept and swept the water out until it was almost gone, then I sopped up the rest with towels, duct taped the hoses again, finished the load, brought everything back into the storage room, and then washed the towels.  Another hour (at least) wasted.

I think I was running on adrenalin all weekend, because I didn't stop, and thank goodness for that.  I didn't finish everything until 9:30 tonight.  I'm going to sleep well tonight, that's for sure.  My work is done, and now it's up to the Estate Sale ladies.

So, all in all it was a very good weekend.  The condo is rented and it's ready for the sale people tomorrow.
From Me and My Dog, have a great week, everyone! : )

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