I am so proud of this kid!

Jameson had his awards day at school today and my employers were gracious enough to let me have the day off so I could be there. (THANK YOU!)

Getting ready to walk out the door to awards day.

I really didn't know what to expect, because when it comes to the important stuff at school, Jameson never tells me anything.  I do see his report card and graded tests, but I really didn't know how he was doing compared to the rest of the class.  We help him study A LOT, and have a very strict, nightly homework routine, plus nightly reading.  We are trying our best to keep him focused and interested in school, which has been difficult at times because of his ADHD (and MY ADD, and his daddy's ADD...poor kid didn't stand a chance....lol)

Today, we found out that all his hard work seems to be paying off!

Jameson waiting for his class to be called to the stage.

Jameson getting his awards.  Jameson was given awards for Reading, having all A's for the year, and the highest averages in Spelling, Language Arts, and Math!

WOW!  I was so shocked, I literally started crying when they called all the awards out.

Jameson holding all his awards.

After the awards, Jameson and his buddy Sebastion playing around.

Jameson and his teacher, Ms. Williamson.  We were so blessed to have Ms. Williamson as Jameson's teacher this year!  She loves anything and everything to do with the outdoors, and shares that love with her students.  Exactly the kind of teacher Jameson needed.  On Sunday night, as I was tucking him in, Jameson cried because Ms. Williamson wasn't going to be his teacher any more.  I pray that he will have many more "Ms. Williamsons" in his academic future!

To celebrate his awards, we took him to one of his favorite places....


and this is what we came home with...

He's going to have a reading-filled summer, that's for sure!

Congratulations to our little man!  We are so proud of you!

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