I actually finished a project!

Many, many months ago, I found this ribbon wreath on 

I instantly fell in love with it!  It absolutely LOVE all the colors and the polka-dots! It's exactly my style! 
She has them for sale, but I thought I would try my hand at making one myself.

A couple of months after finding the photo, I bought some ribbon.  Then a little later, I bought more ribbon.  Then even later, more ribbon.  I wanted to make sure I had enough ribbon.

A few weeks after I bought the ribbon, I cut all the rolls into 4 inch strips.  I put all the strips of ribbon into a bag, and that's as far as I've gotten....until today.

Jameson was playing at a friend's house, and Marty was busy doing other things, so I decided to break out all of my supplies and see if I could get something accomplished around here.

I started by hot gluing all of my ribbon strips into loops.

(I lost the cord to my high-temp hot glue gun, so I had to use my el-cheapo glue gun...lol)

LOTS and LOTS of loops!

Then I got out my Styrofoam  wreath.  I bought it at Hobby Lobby when it was 50% off.  You can use any kind of wreaths you like!

Then I started wrapping the wreath with ribbon.  I would probably use a solid color, but this was the only one that I had more than one spool of.

AND, I still ended up a little bit short...lol.  No worries though, it will be covered up by the hanging ribbon.

Here is my first row of ribbons.  Since I only had a low-melt glue gun and I am planning on hanging this on the front door, I used straight pins to attach my loops.  If you use a different type of wreath form, hot glue will work well, too.

After about 2 hours (it seemed like) of pinning loops.

And here is the completed wreath, hanging on my front door!

I love it!  I think I may still add a few little details later, but for now, I think it is perfect!

Oh, and after working on this thing for so long, the price She's {kinda} Crafty charges is TOTALLY worth it!


I am linking to
Chick on a Shoestring Decorating
Thirty Handmade Days/Pity Party 40

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