For about the last twenty years, the small town of Hokitika (population approximately 4,000) has hosted a Wild Food Festival. It is an opportunity to be different, audacious, bold and perhaps even a bit nutty. The venders compete for prizes in most outrageous food and costumes, and the people who attend try to be outrageous in their costumes as well. Needless to say, a fair amount of beer is consumed, making the various dishes go down a bit easier--at least initially.
There was also live music all day. Jon and I particularly liked a band led by a Maori who sang covers by Willie Nelson and Steve Earle. He also did an original version of Katy Perry's
I Kissed a Girl, with the last stanza going, "I kissed a sheep and I liked it." It was a fun day, even though Jon and I refrained from trying anything too creepy and we stayed quite sober throughout the event.
This vendor sold a BBQ sauce for game meats. |
Festival attendees. |
A chef cooking White Bait. |
Yes. These women are selling desserts may from the unique dairy product, cow colostrum. |
Made us chuckle. |
Jennifer has some Elderberry Tea from Max of Where the Wild Things Are. |
These goat ladies were selling goat cheese. Not too risky to eat, but loved their costumes. |
Cricket Hors d'Ourves |
Chocolate Crickets |
Fried Grubs. Yum! |
Entrance to Hokitika's Beach |
Kiwi Kalua |
A Young Party Girl Dancing to the Music. |
Mandolin Player in the Maori guy's Band |
How to make a healthy milkshake! |
Gut Rot Moonshine. All tasters we saw did not handle it well. |
Enough Said. |
She was adorable. |
Two PM and already a full day. |
Wild Game Salami |
We call them Rocky Mountain Oysters in America. Here, the vender just shouted, "Sheep's Baaaawlls." |
3 Rockin Women Covering 60s Motown Songs. |
The most outrageous...Stallion Semen Shots. Too gross. |
But this lady was very encouraging. |
Happy butterflies. |
White Bait (look like minnows) in pancake batter. |
These worms look almost appetizing. |