Civil War In Libya -- News Updates May 11, 2011

Libya Rebels 'Capture Misrata Airport' -- BBC

Libyan rebels have captured Misrata airport, driving back troops loyal to Col Muammar Gaddafi, reports say.

Hundreds of rebels were celebrating in the streets after pro-Gaddafi forces fled, leaving behind tanks that were set on fire, witnesses said.

Government forces have been pounding the western city, which remains largely under rebel control, for weeks.

Its port has become a lifeline for supplying civilians and for evacuating wounded people fleeing the fighting.

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More News On Libya's Civil War

Libya rebels seize Misrata airport: report -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Rebels say they captured Misrata airport -- CNN
Rebels: Gadhafi forces pushed back from Misrata -- Seattle PI
Rebels in Misrata: Gadhafi forces pushed back, airport retaken -- Washington Post/AP
NATO missile strikes targeting Gaddafi's compound rock Tripoli -- Xinhuanet
Reports: Libya Rebels Capture Misurata Airport -- Radio Free Europe
NATO Bombs Strike Tripoli; Rebels Advance in Misrata -- Voice of America
Besieged Libyan rebels hail NATO airstrikes --
NATO steps up bombing in Libya; rebels report gains -- Washington Post
Rebels exist but hiding in Gadhafi's capital -- CNN

Supporters worry about Gaddafi after bombing -- Sydney Morning Herald
Where's Gadhafi? Leader out of public view -- MSNBC

Killings and Rumors Unsettle a Libyan City -- New York Times
Libya rebel funding will require legal creativity -- Reuters
Libyan opposition minister: Basics scarce, cash running dry -- MSNBC
In Libya's once gilded economy, a pause -- Yahoo News/AP

Signs of Fatigue and Unease as Europe Struggles with Libyan and Syrian Crises
-- Bruce Crumley, Time
Analysis: Stray Libyan small arms may threaten region -- Reuters

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