HT Karl (@acteur_reseau). This piece in the UK Guardian by Caroline Wickham-Jones nails it.
Douglas Kahn had a brilliant idea as we stared out at the “landscape” of sheep, the automation that Deleuze and Guattari brilliantly called “the continual whirr of machines,” alias Nature.
Take a leaf from pot growers, he said (ha ha). We don't necessarily have to become nomads. What we need is to grow stuff on the roofs of supermarkets (like that silicon valley entrepreneur has been doing, sorry I forget his name for moment). Or hydroponics.
Imagine Sheep World converted into common land for that's an anarchist vision I can get behind...
It's kind of like how porn drive internet innovation. Drugs could drive the big shift we need to make: a shift from four phases of human society (all the way back to slave-owning and forwards to communism). Instead of a single guy overseeing a continual whirr of Nature as far as the eye can see, all kinds of people and nonhumans populating the non-spaces created by the ruminant-human manifold.
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