Will Qaddafi Go Into Exile?

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi leaving the Rixos Al Nasr Tripoli Hotel in a custom-made golf cart in March. Moises Saman for The New York Times

U.S. And Allies Seek A Refuge For Qaddafi -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has begun seeking a country, most likely in Africa, that might be willing to provide shelter to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi if he were forced out of Libya, even as a new wave of intelligence reports suggest that no rebel leader has emerged as a credible successor to the Libyan dictator.

The intense search for a country to accept Colonel Qaddafi has been conducted quietly by the United States and its allies, even though the Libyan leader has shown defiance in recent days, declaring that he has no intention of yielding to demands that he leave his country, and intensifying his bombardment of the rebel city of Misurata.

The effort is complicated by the likelihood that he would be indicted for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland in 1988, and atrocities inside Libya.

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My Comment: This is all wishful thinking. Qaddafi has indicated no interest to go into exile, and more importantly, his sons have been even more adamant (in public) against it.

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