This trophy has been in my possession for three years and I have just handed it back. Phew..what a relief. It belongs to the Embroiderers Guild and I won it for designing the cover of the NW Journal three years ago.
Its solid silver and very valuable.
I am only blogging about it now when I am no longer responsible for it.

The sad thing is that the cover I designed had to be altered drastically because I did it on a black background and the ink was too expensive! In fact they didn't even use it this time.
It was very smart.
It had a sort of 'wordle' on it before wordles were around.
I typed out all of the names of the all the branches in the Northwest and then cut them out
and stuck them down in all different directions on a black background.
It was very smart but there was a slight technical hitch.
Blackpool blew away!
It was only noticed after it was printed.
I am very sorry Blackpool Branch.
Another piece made up of lots of bits is a bit further along the way now.
This was what I wanted the perspex for. Thanks for all the helpful comments.
I was going to attach each piece to a two inch perspex rod and have them protruding from a background hanging on the wall.
Despite having an offer of help from my cousins wonderfully practical daughter, I had a bit of a rethink. Perspex is difficult to hang and if the wall behind it isn't white, it won't look good.
Soooooo.....on second thoughts..I think I am going to attach them to a blank primed canvas with each piece raised very slightly from the backing.
It will be easier to hang and transport and easier to construct. It will be about 24 inches square.
I have a bit of a dilemma about this. Those primed canvases are not really meant to be displayed 'bare' are they? But on the other hand I really like the bright white background as a foil for the felt.
It sharpens it up a bit.
If the canvas could be seen by a viewer as giving the pieces their 'own bit of wall' it would be fine.
I have to arrange them more carefully for the final piece.
Talking of arranging..the place where we have our group meetings has a beautiful garden full of weird and wild sculptures and at the moment these.
Just look and enjoy.