So Much For The Army's $600,000 Toad Art Projec

Army Scraps $600,000 Toad Art Project -- U.S. News And World Report

The Army, under public and congressional attack for a $600,000 plan to dress up a bus depot at a new military facility near Washington with three pieces of art, such as a 10 foot-tall fairy riding a gurgling toad, has scrapped the project. Instead, it will go with a simple plan to “enhance the aesthetics” of a concrete wall at the new Mark Center in Alexandria, Va.

The reversal came after Washington Whispers, the Drudge Report, and local media focused on the pricey project and one of the leading contenders for the $600,000, a proposal for two murals and a huge toad and fairy sculpture.

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My Comment:
I do appreciate the concept that art is in the eye of the holder, and that some art may appear bizarre or ridiculous to some while to others it is something to be praised .... but for the Army to get involved in such a project when facing huge future cuts in spending .... hmmmm .... I will have to say no.

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