NATO Ground Forces To Be Deployed To Libya?

David Cameron Refuses To Rule Out Role For British Ground Forces In Libya -- The Telegraph

David Cameron has raised the prospect of UK troops operating inside Libya by declaring that Britain is preparing to "do more" to help rebels struggling to oust Col Gaddafi.

The Prime Minister insisted that there would be no "occupation" of Libya, but repeatedly refused to rule out short-lived ground-level operations by British forces. Mr Cameron's words, in a television interview, led to renewed warnings of "mission creep" in Libya.

After more than four weeks of air strikes by Nato, Col Gaddafi's regime survives and the rebels trying to oust him have made little significant progress towards Tripoli. The Libyan government assault on the town of Misurata has added to pressure on Western leaders to intensify their intervention, and Mr Cameron confirmed that he was examining options for doing more to help the rebels.

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My Comment: I personally hope that no NATO ground troops are deployed in Libya. But with the war now approaching a stalemate, and NATO being unable (or unwilling) to conduct a prolonged air-conflict, the search for a "quick fix" such as deploying ground troops is now being discussed.

What do I predict .... ground troops will be deployed, with a focus on special forces to direct and conduct bombing raids, and other soldiers to train and provide back-up for Libyan rebel attacks.

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