Girlfriends' Baby Shower

My lovely little sister put together a very casual baby shower for my girlfriends and I at Ice Cream Renaissance (best ice cream in Vancouver, perhaps even in Washington state!)
It was super small- just six of us- which allowed lots of time for baby talk and getting to really visit, which I loved.  I think we all had a great time!

Opening gifts- A Hanna Andersson knit hat for Wyatt from my mom. I love it!

And a special "Mother's Day" gift for me-
a new DKNY watch.
Love it!

Teeny, tiny hat & mittens for baby from Annie.
So sweet!

Adorable sleeveless summer outfit from my sister.

31 weeks, 6 days
(but who's counting???)

{Annie, Shelly, Heather & Rachel}

{Annie & Shelly}
I met Annie about two years ago at Winco. I was grocery shopping with Logan in a baby backpack and Jack in the cart. Annie finished her shopping & then came to help me pack my groceries and helped me out to the car.  She is the kindest, most giving girl I know.  Her son, Thorin, is just two weeks younger than my boys and the three of them always have a ball together.  Above all, though, I just enjoy her company.

{Shelly & Heather}
I met Heather at Wy'East Junior High School when I was in eighth grade and she was in ninth grade. We were in the most awesome Concert Choir group in the entire Northwest. (I'm not exaggerating, we actually won a contest called Best In The Northwest back in 1997.)  She was always sweet and funny and a very talented singer.  We met up again about six months ago when I heard through a friend on Facebook that Heather, too, had given birth to twins.  Her girls, Alyssa and Isabella are about eight months younger than my guys. It has been priceless for us to have someone else to turn to who completely understands the unique challenges that raising twins presents. Heather is always sympathetic and real with me, which I love.

{Shelly & Rachel}
Rachel & I know each other from Sign Language class in High School.  We met up again on Facebook (gotta love that social networking) and have had a few playdates with our kiddos. She has Landon, 3, and Cameron, 1.  The boys love Landon and call him "my fwend Landy" which just cracks me up.  Rachel is another stay at home mommy who totally loves her kids and gets how much work it is to do this job well. 

I feel so lucky to have so many good friends!

{Shelly & Roxanne}
In this picture I am nearly 32 weeks pregnant and Roxanne is 16 weeks exactly. We'll only be pregnant together for about 8 more weeks, and our babes will be roughly four months apart. I can't wait to find out what she's having, but she's not finding out so I have to keep waiting...  But I think it's a boy!

{Shelly & Marilynn}
My mom is so excited for Wyatt's arrival, she can hardly stand it!  And as bad as she wants a granddaughter (no pressure, Roxanne!), she does think it would be pretty cool to have SIX GRANDSONS!

Thank you, girls, for a great afternoon
of being spoiled
& enjoying good company!