F-35 Operating Costs Will Reach 1$ Trillion

Lockheed Martin F-35 Operating Costs May Reach $1 Trillion -- Bloomberg

It may cost as much as $1 trillion to operate the military’s fleet of Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) F-35 aircraft for several decades, according to a preliminary Pentagon estimate sent to Congress.

The figure is 9.3 percent more than the $915 billion estimate by the Defense Department in its 2009 Selected Acquisition Report to Congress.

The long-term cost estimate, which includes inflation, was submitted to Congress on April 15 in a report obtained by Bloomberg News. It assumes 8,000 hours of flying time for each of the 2,443 aircraft over a 30-year period. The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have their own variations of the aircraft, with the last in the fleet to be produced in 2035.

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More News On The F-35

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F-35 programme investigates $442 billion operations bill -- Flight Global
Long-term costs next challenge for F-35 jet program -- Forexpros
Plan for F-35 jet now realistic, Pentagon says -- Star Telegram
F-35 Program Stabilizing, May Still Be Late -- Defense News
US Navy, Air Force may field F-35s later than 2016 -- LSE
F-35 effort stabilizes, but may still be late -- Air Force Times
Weaponry Isn’t ‘Insulated’ from Budget Wars, Admiral Says -- Wall Street Journal
F-35 back in the crosshairs -- DoD Buzz

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