Egypt: 4 New Bird Flu Cases


# 5469




The World Health Organization has released their latest update (#49) on human infections by the H5N1 virus detected in Egypt. Four new cases have been added, bringing the total to 137 (with 45 fatalities).


Today’s announcement comes less than a week after the WHO announced 3 other cases (see Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 48).



Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 49

6 April 2011 - The Ministry of Health of Egypt has announced four new confirmed cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.


The first case is a one year old male from Behaira Governorate. He developed symptoms on 14 February, was hospitalized on 16 February. He recovered and was discharged on 22 February.


The second case is a three years old female from Behaira Governorate. She developed symptoms on 10 March, was hospitalized on 12 March. She recovered and was discharged on 18 March. The previous two cases are from the same district but different villages and they are not relatives.


The third case a 34 year old female from Alexandria Governorate. She developed symptoms on 9 March and was hospitalized on 15th March. She is still under treatment in a stable condition.


The fourth case is a 30 years old female from Kafr El-Shaikh Governorate. She developed symptoms on 7 March and was hospitalized on 15 March. She recovered and was discharged on 27 March.


Investigations into the source of infection indicate that all cases had exposure to sick and/or dead poultry suspected to have avian influenza.


The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories, a National Influenza Center of the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network.


Of the 137 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 45 have been fatal.



The newshounds on FluTrackers are aware of several  more possible cases listed on the Egyptian Ministry of Health’s web page, although not yet confirmed to the WHO yet.

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