CIA Declassifies Their Final Secrets From WWI

CIA Declassifies Documents from World War I -- Secrecy News

The Central Intelligence Agency announced yesterday that it had declassified six World War I-era documents describing the use of “invisible ink” to convey secret messages. The CIA presented the new disclosure as an indication that the declassification process was functioning properly, not that it was dysfunctional.

“These documents remained classified for nearly a century until recent advancements in technology made it possible to release them,” CIA Director Leon E. Panetta said in a news release. “When historical information is no longer sensitive, we take seriously our responsibility to share it with the American people.”

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More News On the CIA Declassifying Their Final Secrets From WWI

CIA Reveals Six Oldest Classified Documents; Now We Can All Read Them -- NPR
CIA reveals invisible ink recipes used by WWI spies -- BBC
CIA reveals World War I recipe for invisible ink as agency declassifies secret files from 100 years ago -- The Daily Mail
CIA declassifies final secrets of WWI -- Washington Examiner
Invisible ink used during First World War among declassified CIA files -- The Telegraph
Revealed: Skin Messages, Invisible Ink and More Secret WWI Spycraft -- Danger Room
CIA Declassifies Its Oldest Secret Documents -- NPR (Audio)

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