April 3, 2011

White Dog, The Other White Dog, Another White Dog, and Still Another White Dog were not about to allow Steve to work on the cars this glorious morning without supervision so they piled up against the doors creating a roadblock that made navigation impossible. Steve knew enough to go with the flow and invited the crew to join him as he installed the new lock-pick in Pumpkin. (They excitedly joined him, talking shop all of the way out to the van, leaving me in the dark as to what exactly they were all about to do but it has something to do with radio/nav system). The White Dog Army got comfortable in the vehicle with the doors open and watched as Steve worked under the dashboard. After a while the doors slid closed and Steve came in to announce the job successfully completed. He added that he and the Supervisory Team felt they had earned some Park time and would be back soon. Everyone came back tired, thirsty and hungry so we had a bit of lunch and some much needed fluids. Then...

White Dog found a quiet spot to relax...

Quinn sacked out for a nap...

Nuka proudly displayed the results of rolling at the park...

And Puff spent time chillin' with Steve.

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