Flat Classroom Project 11-2 (March-June 2011) - Application Deadline March 1 HOWEVER there is room to add a couple more classes if you apply in the next few days. Details: http://www.flatclassroomproject.net/flat-classroom-project.html
Digiteen Project 11-2 (March-June 2011) - Application Deadline March 1 HOWEVER there is room to add a couple more classes if you apply in the next few days. Details: http://www.digiteen.org/apply.html
"A Week in the Life......." 11-1 (March-June) - Application Deadline March 15. Following on from the success of the pilot project last semester, this project for Elementary level students will commence again before the end of March.
Read about the project: http://aweekinthelife.flatclassroomproject.org/About+this+project (and explore the completed project on the same wiki)
Apply via this form: http://tinyurl.com/fcpesapplication
Eracism Project - Please note this will be run again starting September 2011, more details to come soon. http://www.eracismproject.org/ and http://eracism.flatclassroomproject.org/
Flat Classroom Certified Teacher course 11-1 - We will be launching another FCP certified teacher course by the end of March. Further details to follow in the next week. Meanwhile, you may review the structure of the pilot course we ran last semester at https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1-NN1u4zo_HPQwTgog91HCksDwLOV_OqZaJM5o_pBn_4
Application for the Flat Classroom Certified Teacher course on this form - http://tinyurl.com/flatclassteachercertapply
Thank you to all teachers who have applied and expressed interest in joining our next round of projects. We are madly getting this together after spending a week here in China running the VERY successful Flat Classroom Conference 2011. See the Ning http://flatclassroomconference.ning.com/ and the conference wiki for details http://conference2011.flatclassroomproject.org Also VOTE for the top projects - Open until March 12!