Sabo: Most Successful Tech-Content Build Out Ever

5 Secrets Leading to development of FM Radio

From Walter Sabo:
In 1965 less than 10% of all radio listening was to FM. Today, 88% of all listening is to the FM Band.
FM Radio is the most successful marriage of tech and content in history. It is also a powerful cautionary tale of how useless great tech is without compelling content.

1. FM Radio was available for twenty years before it was a marketplace factor.

In 1948 FM Radios hit the stores; few people bought them. For the first 20 years, FM stations predominantly broadcast simulcasts of co-owned AM station programming. FM technical quality and superior hardware was not a closer for the general public. Prior to 1965, FM content was rarely unique and therefore there was no compelling reason to buy the hardware.

2. 1965, compelling content begins.

The FCC establishes rules for the elimination of simulcasts. Station owners were forced to develop separate content for the FM Stations and they responded by NOT CARING. The AM Station management never left the golf course or shrimp buffet.

Owners did the bare minimum to broadcast separate programming on their FM's. They usually did not assign separate project managers or sales teams, not at first.

Instead they allowed on-air celebrities and content creators (who are properly called STARS) to do whatever they wanted to do.

The result was radio programming unlike anything ever heard. FM listeners were treated to new shows generating new DEMAND for FM hardware. If the content had simply been a vague copy of AM formats, FM would have certainly continued to fail.
Read more here.

Walter Sabo is the Founder and Creator of the business concept. He is an experienced leader of new organizations and is currently CEO of Hitviews. Walter can be reached at

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