It's Parkinson's prognostication time again, in which your humble seer looks boldly into the future and divines what awaits those of us of the Parkie persuasion for the month of March. I see... a darkened room... a room filled with people staring intently at a screen... Yes! it's another Telehealth conference at the new oncology wing of Providence Hospital, room 2401 this Monday, the 14th of March at 1:00. The topic this go-round is PD and sexuality. The presenter is Kristoffer Rhoads, PhD, neuropsychologist For more info, call: 1-877-980-7500
Looking even farther into the mists of time, I see the fuzzy outline of a support group meeting coming up this Saturday, the 19th of March. I hope the topic for this meeting will be Tai Chi for PD, but have yet to hear back from our prospective guest. If the speaker falls through, we'll enjoy a presentation on... er, something else...
The mists of time are becoming opaque... my sight fails... that appears to be all that I have for you. I look forward to seeing you at these events. Until then, festinate forward!
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