Update: April 6, 2011, YouTube Video-Winds aloft modeling, Jet Stream displays radiation potential reaching the west coast and beyond.
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Stop Bellefonte Nuclear Plant- http://www.matrr.org/ |
Cesium released NewsX report
Update 2nd Explosion, Unit 3, video Mar 13, 2011
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42044156/ns/world_news-asiapacific/?gt1=43001 (6 plants are now involved in the emergency.)
Japanese Nuclear Plant explodes, the steel skeleton of the upper portion of the unit 1 reactor building, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility, is all that remains. Complicating the issue is the deceit of the nuclear industry. The issue of trust is critical, how are we to trust an industry who intentionally deceives the public concerning a disaster. In the case of the Japanese government they also appear to be participating in the deceit.
The upper shell of the containment building was blown away due to the buildup of hydrogen gas in the containment vessel, the building itself, maybe both, the resulting explosion decimated the structure.
The issuing of Iodine tablets will not result in facilitating trust, a critical factor in determining safety and security of citizens surrounding the area of a nuclear plant.
Confidence in our nuclear regulators, NRC, has not been established when the regulators decided to continue the construction of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant without one vote of approval. The vote of the NRC was 3 votes jointly approved/disapproved and 1 vote disapproved, the Chairman and senior staff officials of the NRC stated, "unprecedented." The critical issue of placing trust, safety and following critical regulation to insure the health and safety of the public before profit of an industry is dissolved in a bureaucratic conundrum in support of the nuclear industry's bottom line.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility disaster is a further display concerning the risk of nuclear power. The unthinkable can and does occur.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service- Tell Congress: Heed the public and END the nuclear loan program: http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5502/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=5848 The Nuclear Loan program will increase our national debt by billions, upon billions of dollars.
For additional background information, please refer to
Censorship of Nuclear Events: To find the truth one must look to foreign news sources, see below. Nuclear accidents, events as the nuclear industry calls them, are one of the greatest censored news items in the United States. The nuclear industry not only manufacture nuclear plants, they also own national broadcasting outlets in the United States. G.E. and Westinghouse. http://faculty.uml.edu/sgallagher/culturalcon.htm
"GE & Westinghouse together own 80% of all nuclear power plants in the world." http://www.cpsr.cs.uchicago.edu/other-chicago/mediamap/corpdata.html
Many listings from "Project Censored" contain pages upon pages of U.S. media "censored" nuclear power articles. The lead off listing, the lie of 3 Mile Island. http://www.projectcensored.org/search/?cx=013508615264581914751%3Ai74kibqknxe&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=nuclear+censorship&sa=Search&siteurl=www.projectcensored.org%2Ftop-stories%2Fcategory%2Ftwo-thousand-and-ten-book%2F#993
Update: German Financial News Report - http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-2011-03/19621328-round-up-u-s-nuclear-experts-comment-on-japan-reactor-crisis-weekend-contact-information-provided-for-experts-available-for-interviews-008.htm
"Partial Core Meltdown to Full Core Meltdown:" http://www.vocfm.co.za/index.php?section=news&category=internationalnews&article=57710
Update, Sunday Mar. 13, 2011: 2nd plant location, emergency declared - "The latest nuclear alert was issued late Sunday for the Onagawa power plant and reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency after radiation levels outside the facility exceeded maximum acceptable levels."
"Earlier Sunday, the government said radiation levels outside the Fukushima plant had briefly spiked to 400 times the normal level. More than 200,000 people had been told earlier to evacuate the area. Authorities say at least 19 people have been exposed to radiation and more than 160 others may have been.
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/Japanese-PM-Appeals-for-Unity-to-Face-Earthquake--117895114.html and Euronews- http://www.euronews.net/2011/03/13/emergency-at-second-japan-nuclear-plant/ Today's Yahoo Report: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110313/ap_on_bi_ge/as_japan_earthquake_nuclear_crisis
Update: Monday, Mar. 14, 2011 - 2nd explosion rocks Japanese nuclear facility, unit 3 explodes at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility. - http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=611015349&mode=cnc&tag=3.5963?icx_id%3D271344
Update: Mar 14, 2011, 6PM CST the #2 reactor at Fukushima plant has exploded. Units 1, 2, and 3 have exploded. Unit 3 contained MOX plutonium fuel.
"Nuclear Information Resource Service led a coalition of groups that petitioned the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2005 requesting emergency enforcement action on the vulnerability of the Mark I and II elevated nuclear waste storage pool. The coalition’s petition to the NRC was denied." http://www.dcbureau.org/201103141303/Natural-Resources-News-Service/fission-criticality-in-cooling-ponds-threaten-explosion-at-fukushima.html
Update: Mar 14, 2011 9PM CST the #4 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi plant is on fire and apparently acriticality issue has occured due to a loss of coolant in the fuel pool. 3 reactors are now in a meltdown condition and the used fuel in unit 4 has gone "critical."
To trust the corporate multinational nuclear industry and their government puppets is foolish! There is no "fail safe" nuclear power system, an atomic reactor is dangerous, it is not inherently safe. A nuclear reactor contains radiation a thousand times greater than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2011/03/explosion-hits-nuclear-power-plant-in-japan-in-quakes-aftermath.html
Update: Mar 16, 2011 -- Local government officials in Japan, near the nuclear plant site, say, "they are leaving us here to die." The continuing saga of the nuclear power industry in Japan. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12765859 In the United States, ultra-conservative political supporters of the nuclear power industry continue to deceive the people of our nation about the risks of nuclear power.
Update: Mar 17, 2011 - The state of reactor # 2 seems to be a question. This report says the #2 reactor has exploded. "Officials had grown increasingly worried about Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant unit 2 after two hydrogen explosions in three days occurred at the plant, and the unit lost its ability to cool. The fuel rods on unit 2 became fully exposed for the second time Monday, a dangerous development in the effort to stop the reactor from melting down." http://abcnews.go.com/International/japan-earthquake-radiation-leaking-fukushima-nuclear-plant-explodes/story?id=13131123&page=2 Mysteriously, the #2 reator is able to hold water and be cooled since power has been reestablished according to Tokyo Power.
This report from the UPI: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2011/03/17/Cooling-efforts-suspended-at-nuclear-plant/UPI-10771300341277/
Electrical power to be restored? http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/03/18/2011031800375.html
Photos of the damaged reactors. http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/17/6290420-new-closer-aerial-views-of-wrecked-reactor-in-japan Story line says #3 reactor pictures.
"Chernobyl on Steroids...".
Update: From Goddards Journal-Sep. 4, 2011 Steam Explosion & Criticality