Grodner is a graduate of the University of Alabama and a member of the current Leadership Birmingham class.
Her civic involvement includes serving as vice chair of Coalition Building for the Birmingham Jewish Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Committee. She has also helped coordinate Sisters/Chaverim African American and Jewish professional women’s dialogue group. Grodner accepted the Jewish Council for Public Affairs national Program Excellence award at their annual conference.
Meet Up for Change is Grodner’s own nonprofit. The goal of Meet Up for Change is to energize and engage grass root volunteers to affect change by taking pride in our community and ownership of the issues impacting it. The organization provides an online forum for any volunteer to recruit others in a project that will spruce up the metro area. The forum allows others to sign up to participate on Meet Up teams to tackle the project.
Grodner says “I am like Pac Man. The more projects I ‘gobble up,’ the more energy I have.”
Grodner will be honored at the Central Alabama Women of Distinction Luncheon on March 4. You can purchase tickets at www.girlscoutsnca.org/wodcentral.