Kagame is worse than Ghadafi

Actually, Kagame is worse than Ghadafi; his anger for absolute power

is rather terrible. In this article below, I talk about that ego and

how he tries to achieve that through dirty mwars on his genuine


Kagame’s ego and the dirty war against Kayumba, Karegeya

Last month, The New times, Kigali’s main pro-government daily quoted

The Executive Secretary International Conference on the Great Lakes

Region (ICGLR), Ambassador Liberata Mulamula as seeking regional

cooperation of governments in a bid to have former RDF Generals, Gen.

Nyamwasa Kayumba and Col. Patrick Karegeya arrested and extradited to

Rwanda’. The official expressed that such, if achieved would be a

positive development as regards regional stability.

Such a statement was not a surprise from the Lady, whose husband, a

Tanzanian Engineer, George Mulamula is a proud beneficiary of Kagame’s

regime as an employee in Kigali-not to be personal, just to get to

facts. Yes, he has been employed by the government of Rwanda, serving

in various offices.

First, he was an ICT lecturer at Kigali Institute of Science and

Technology (KIST), then to Rwanda Information and Technology Authority

(RITA), and an advisor in the ministry of Infrastructure in Kigali.

From there, he moved to the President’s office and then to the

National University of Rwanda as an ICT expert. He did consultancy

work with Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency (RIEPA),

before being appointed the Principal Deputy CEO of Rwanda Development

Board (RDB). He now works with the ministry of Trade and Commerce.

The motivation of Amb. Mulamula, can be traced there in. She

basically, wants to use the regional office to do the donkeys work for

her husband’s patron Kagame and his regime in persecuting the critics

of the regime- a clear signal of conflict of interests.

Kagame’s big role in regional instability

Amb. Mulamula knows about everything that has been going on in the

region pertaining instability especially in the DRC, and the big role

played by Kagame as he tries to consolidate his power in Kigali and

the region. She certainly, as Col. Patrick Karegeya mentioned while

responding to the official in question, how Kagame has ‘created,

dismantled and recreated armed rebel groups in the Democratic Republic

of Congo to ‘satisfy his ego and demonstrate his power’ , but,

Mulamula still has the impudence to underline the exiled generals as

the major threat to regional security. How?

Col. Patrick Karegeya mentioned the CNDP, which Kagame created, armed,

and later disbanded at will as an example, and it is one, many have

first information about. There are several others. Kagame, not his

critics are to blame for regional instability; it’s a fact raised in

Col. Karegeya’s response, and indeed is one, that majority of citizens

in the great lakes region will tell.

Criminalizing dissent

It is true, and with-in the good understanding of Lady Mulamula, that,

the charges leveled against the two exiled generals and their

colleagues, Rudasingwa and Gahima were political rather than issues of

security. The four were subjected to the charges following their

public criticism of Kagame in a highly publicized document, Rwanda

Briefing as well as in many press interviews. Instead of looking at

the issues of human rights and freedoms that should be guaranteed to

Kagame’s critics, Mulamula uses the regional office to assert that

criticizing Kagame is a crime that deserves regional attention. What a


In response to Mulamula’s call, Col. Patrick Karegeya said thus;

“We would affirm once again that we are not in any way connected to

any armed groups operating in the DRC. The fact that we are not

involved in carrying out criminal activities against the Rwandan state

can be verified with the Government of the state that has granted us

asylum. We are trained lawyers and long serving military officers who

have a demonstrated record of opposition to the support of armed

groups that have caused so much human suffering among the people of

the DRC and the region at large.”

Hunting victims

In fact, the two generals are victims of Kagame’s ‘terrorism’. In

february last year, shortly after he fled from Rwanda, Gen. Kayumba

was a target of an assassination plot widely believed to have been

planned by Kagame’s secret agents in Johannesburg, South Africa, a

country whose government granted the two officers asylum, another

confirmation that they cannot be viewed as terrorists in any form. Col

Karegeya as if he had to, labored to remind Mulamila about this as he


“It is inconceivable that a person of your stature and

responsibilities could recommend that individuals against whom

President Paul Kagame’s government has carried out multiple

assassination attempts be returned to Rwanda to serve sentences

imposed after sham trials in absentia. We regret that the Rwandan

Government has manipulated its partners in the CEPGL to agree to the

use of the common institutions of the states of our region as

instruments of repression and persecution.”

But, the government of Kigali was not done, really this month; they

paraded a former FDLR Combatant, one Bisengimana, who was forced to

allege that the exiled generals were planning to re-energize FDLR.

This yet was just another of Kagame’s tactics to tarnish the image of

his critics, attract sympathy from the international community, as he

continues to pursue his other policies of satisfying his personal gain

and establishing his authoritarian rule. Rwandans are familiar with

such actions and politics, Mulamula is familiar with it too, but, she

will go on and ask that the generals, not Kagame’s actions be the

center of focus.

Kagame’s ego and crackdown on critics

It’s worth noting here that while responding to the official, Col.

Karegeya on behalf of the two generals, reminded the Executive

Secretary of the regional conference, that, instead of pursuing

innocent critics of Kagame’s authoritarian rule, they ‘should be

demanding the unconditional release of the large number of political

prisoners now languishing in Rwanda’s official and unofficial

detention centres, including former minister and Social Democratic

Party leader Charles Ntakirutinka, FDU-Inkingi President Victoire

Ingabire, PS-Imberakuri Bernard Ntaganda, Deo Mushaidi and former

presidential candidate Dr Theoneste Niyitegeka.’

He also, urged the international community to continue to demand

justice for the politically motivated killings of Kagwa Rwisereka

(Vice President of the Democratic Green Party), journalists, Jean

Leonard Rugambage (Deputy Editor of the Umuvugizi newspaper) and Mr

John Rutayisire, who are just a few examples of ‘our compatriots who

have been assassinated by agents of the state for political reasons in

the recent past.’

That certainly, is the call majority of Rwandans under the bondage of

Kagame’s dictatorship would make at this point in time to the likes of

Mulamula and the international Community. These few examples of

Kagame’s crackdown on dissent emphasize his out and out violent and

bloody approaches to feeding his ego and quest for absolute power.

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