Black & White

I love black and white photos. I came across this photo tonight of Kane and I years back. This was the first trip we took him on to introduce him to our family in Wellesley, Ontario over 10 years ago.We had just rescued him from a shelter and he had been abused by the owner. The shelter staff said that he had many issues and it would take time to bring him around. It would take lots of love and patience. They were right to tell us this. To this day he still can't have a strange man touch him without showing distress. He has become a loving friend. He was a great traveller that weekend and has always enjoyed driving in the car. This photo was taken at the grave-yard where Gary's sister, Diane is buried. She loved animals too and we thought we should take him there and let him run around awhile. She would have loved Kane.

Did you know that black and white cats are either called Tuxedo cats or Jellico cats?
A low-grade spotting black-and-white bicolor cat is often known as a “tuxedo cat” or a “Billicat”. To be considered a tuxedo cat, its black coloring should be solid throughout, with white limited to the paws, belly, chest, throat, face, and possibly the chin: it should appear as if the cat were wearing a tuxedo.

Jellico Cats are white and black,
Jellico Cats are of moderate size;
Jellicles jump like a jumping jack,
Jellico Cats have moonlit eyes
They're quiet enough in the morning hours,
They're quiet enough in the afternoon,
Reserving their terpsichorean powers
      To dance by the light of the Jellicle Moon

Hugs, Deb

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