Baby Boy #3

 A lot of people have been asking me how this pregnancy compares to my pregnancy with the boys.  Honestly, this pregnancy has been much more difficult.  From the get go I had morning sickness.  And it lasted, as you all know, until I was 18 weeks along.  It was miserable. I was sick, the boys were sick, the house was sick.  It was awful.  
Then about seven weeks ago, the nausea went away.  I wasn't sick anymore.  Then the baby started moving around a lot, and we chose a name.  Wyatt. (Which, adorably, Logan thought was "Quiet" for the first few weeks.)  Things started falling into place, I began to accept that this little guy was going to join us, be one of our family. 
And now I look forward to feeling him move around each day.  Both Josh & my mom have felt him move, and sometimes when I'm sitting on the couch I can see him rolling under my shirt.  It's amazing how familiar, yet foreign it feels. Like, I remember feeling that with Logan & Jack, but it still feels alien to have someone tucking their piggies into my ribs and tickling my sides with their fingertips.
I am 25 weeks right now.  That means in less than fifteen weeks, I will have three children.  I will get to meet Wyatt, compare him to his brothers (more hair, darker eyes, longer legs) and see which of his two parents he most resembles (Josh's coloring, my nose?). I can't wait.  I still have trouble believing that I will love him like I love Logan & Jack because my love for them is so intense, but everyone has assured me that the heart knows no bounds and as soon as I lay eyes on him, I will love him just as fervently as I do the twins.

Until then, I am just enjoying getting to know him.  
And praying I will be the best mom to both he & his brothers.

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