Afghanistan War News Updates -- March 19, 2011

A U.S. Special Forces soldier provides security overwatch in the early morning hours during an Afghan-led clearing operation in the Zharay district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, March 6, 2011. He is assigned to Special Operations Task Force South. The operation led to the recovery of 200 pounds of homemade explosives. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Daniel P. Shook

With Spring Comes Fighting Season In Afghanistan -- NPR

Spring is coming to Afghanistan — and with it, the start of the yearly fighting season between insurgents, the government and the NATO-led coalition.

Afghan officials say the fighting season will be a test of the gains made last year, especially around Kandahar, after President Obama ordered a surge of 30,000 additional troops into the country.

The southern city was the birthplace of the Taliban movement and a stronghold for the insurgents.

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More News On Afghanistan

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2 ISAF members killed in shooting incident with security guard -- Stars And Stripes
Guard kills two NATO soldiers in Afghanistan -- M&C
Soldier dies of Afghan blast wounds -- Press Association
Forces Kill, Detain Insurgents in Afghanistan -- US Department of Defense
ISAF identifies more 'foreign fighters camps' in Afghanistan -- Threat Matrix
Building Afghanistan's Police Force -- Global Security
U.N. focusing on Afghan transition -- UPI
Afghan Institutions Making Strides, Petraeus Says -- US Department of Defense
Petraeus says budget delays not affecting Afghan war… yet -- Reuters
Conflicting Signals Surface on US Support for Afghan War -- Voice of America
Senator Sherrod Brown: 'We Need to Wrap Up in Afghanistan' -- ABC News
I’m optimistic about Afghanistan -- Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), The Hill
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,399 -- Sify News
UK death toll in Afghanistan hits 360 -- Press TV

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