A mystery probably solved

The answer to those small pointed shoeprints knocked on the door yesterday. I looked out the window and a Suburban had pulled into the yard, one with wide tires that probably made those mysterious ones a few weeks ago. I rushed to put some clothing on and went to the door. Two women stood there, one off the porch right where those mysterious footprints had been; I couldn't help but think of backup from a police show, the one standing back with a hand on her gun. Both were probably in their 40s very well dressed and perfectly made up. Would I like to hear good words from the Bible? Yeah lord. I liked the mystery better. They reminded me of a similar meeting at my door in Cleveland years ago when i was more of a hothead. Those women were wearing fur coats and had a little girl with them. When I told them I had my own set of beliefs they tried to engage me by asking what they were. I didn't feel like going any further and said part of my beliefs involved not killing animals so I could look pretty. They rushed off and that was that. With these mystery Christians I was more polite and simply said no thank you and started to close the door. They left peacefully. Now the only question that remains is do Christians sneak around in the dark setting off motion detector lights?

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