Above is (top left) Cali, Lily, Sierra and Mr. Ed. Ginny always sleeps behind my computer. She is still doing ok. Eating, using her box, walking around, waking me up too early...oh my gosh...I'm talking 5 am. She's worse than the Spring birds for that.
The picture shown behind the cats is of my mom when she was in her 20's. She is holding a kitten that belonged to my grandmother. Not hard to see where I got this love for cats.
Cat-tip-for-the-day=^..^=A good time to groom
The best time to groom your cat is when the cat is comfortable and stretched out in a resting postition. I find if I 'go to the cat' instead of bringing the cat to a certain area for grooming the grooming session goes much better. Have your tools in an area that is easy to grab and take these opportunities like when they are stretched out enjoying the sun and make that a positive time between you and kitty where you can comb and brush and check all over for any abnormalities such as lumps or red spots. Take your time and you will both find this a pleasurable experience.
Hugs, Deb