After breakfast and our morning walk, Wiggle decided he needed to rest on the sofa....
Just as well he saved his energy - we had plans for the day! We met up with Tracey and her lovely Labs: Hazel, Megan, Bailey and Lucy. Sir H was delighted to see Lucy and they waited in Tracey's car while the rest of us walked on the Downs.
Unsurprisingly, there weren't many other walkers today! Our lot enjoyed themselves, although I did look at this photo and wonder why Megan was poking out her tongue....
Megan had stopped for a little scratch!
All five together: From left, Bailey, Hazel, Sofy, Megan and Wiggle
And while sitting nicely, Bailey gives Sofy a little kiss!
Posing over, time for more running:
They're all there - Hazel's behind the tree!
Poor picture quality, due to the heavy drizzle:
Sofy being a good girl and coming back when called:
More play:
Wiggle, with his ball as always, while Hazel runs back to us....
Five Lab's, all having a great time:
Sofy found something vile and stinky to roll in and comes back covered in whatever it was, with Bailey in hot pursuit:
Not one to miss out, Hazel in the background decided she needed to roll in whatever delights Sofy had found:
Hazel and Wiggle:
Walking back towards the car:
Sir H and Lovely Lucy:
Sofy is upstairs sulking and has been since dinner time. She's not happy that she had a bath as soon as we got in! Wiggle is fast asleep and Sir H has been dreaming, probably of Lucy....