What's My Puppy?

After the recent success of the very fun Magical Mystery Mutt Tour blog hop, co-hosted by me, Will My Dog Hate Me, and I Still Want More Puppies, I realize that many people enjoy playing Guess That Dog Breed. So you may also enjoy this new website, What's My Puppy?

Started by Rick Thomas, a Columbus based web designer and animal lover, and inspired by his rescued shelter dog, Miley (pictured), What's My Puppy? helps people determine the breed of their pound puppies. Best of all, the site also donates quarterly to the registered shelter with the most participation points.

What's My Puppy offers users the chance to vote and comment on what they think the breed may be of any of the many puppies posted on the site. Users can even find out what their mystery breed pup may be through comments posted by other site users.

Fifteen percent of the site's advertising profits are donated to various shelters. In this way What's My Puppy? is raising not only awareness for homeless puppies, but actual dollars to help place more of the millions of homeless puppies.

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