Use this post to offer comments re the format of this blog

A couple months ago I changed the design of TYWKIWDBI.  My principal goal was to have a format that presented photos and images in a larger size in the central column - to avoid the need to always "click for bigger." 

The first revision used a template that caused some problems for readers scrolling down the page.  After that I switched to the current one.  I then wanted to give readers (and myself) a while to adjust to a new color scheme for the background, for the highlights, for the hyperlinks.  I'm not sure whether it's optimal or not, but personally I've gotten used to it.  I know there are readers here with skills and experience in the realm of design, including website design, so if anyone wants to offer ideas or suggestions for further amendments or revisions, please feel free to do so.

The second item I'd appreciate feedback on is the embedded YouTube videos, which for some readers were not remaining anchored in the post, and migrated out of position, even covering adjacent text.  This was a problem of hair-pulling intensity which I discussed in a blog post in January.  I'm not the only one to have encountered this; a Blogger forum and several other discussion boards suggest that there is an inherent incompatibility between the Blogger template and the Safari browser.  Later in January YouTube changed its embed code, and the problem seemed to resolve.

This week I got an email from an "avid follower" of the blog who still encounters YouTube embeds covering the nearby text (using MacBook Pro and Safari).  After hearing that, I logged on with Safari (instead of my usual Firefox) and confirmed that some of the embeds were "loose" (and actually moved as I grabbed the corner and resized the window). As far as I know, there's nothing I can do to correct that problem.  My Google Analytics tell me that 16% of TYWKIWDBI readers arrive on Safari, so it is potentially not an inconsequential problem.  I don't know if everyone is experiencing the same problem, or whether some of you found a workaround.  Please feel free to offer me your experience and any relevant advice in the Comments.

Thanks in advance,


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