When I was young I loved books of photography. Beautiful Death was one of my favorite books and Nightmares in the Sky was another one of my favorite books. Nightmares in the Sky was a collection of photographs from various cities. The photographs were of the small architectural details most people walk by without even noticing. They are everywhere in cities. They hide behind corners and in shadows and the average resident and tourist fails to even see them tucked away neatly in the corners of buildings. Of course, the book focused on the gargoyles and dragons that lurk above pedestrians gazing out with hungry, stone eyes.
Part of my passion for finding haunted places comes from my love of architecture and the art of the building. I find these little details to be some of the most beautiful things in the world. I can spend entire days wandering cities staring at the corner of an unknown building and photographing the strange monsters that sit forgotten on a ledge. These photographs represent a small portion of my collection of the nightmares I have seen in the sky, watching the world pass them by with shadowy eyes. Not all of these are scary, but they are all haunting in their own way. These pictures were taken in Chicago, New York, and Paris.