little moments

I will be featuring a new blog post idea now that I am home full time. I have only been home for seven days but each day there has been at least one small moment where I've had that contented feeling of, "This is right." Where one of the boys, or both, have expressed an emotion or spontaneously hugged me or done something adorable that I would have otherwise missed had I been working.
Today's "Little Moments", as I will be calling them, involved mostly Jack.
It was nap time and Logan was already asleep (a rarity- Jack is usually the first to conk out). I couldn't figure out why I couldn't see Jack on the screen. (We have a camera in their room to catch naughty behavior and assist us with bedtimes.)  So I went in there and he was sitting on the edge of his bed, smiling proudly, "I put on my socks myself, mommy!"  And despite myself I hugged him and said, "Jack, I'm so proud of you!" Every time we go to put socks on Jack asks to do it himself and every time he ends up needing help.  This time he did it completely independently and they were even on correctly, with the rubber skid protectors on the bottom of his feet.  He just beamed.
Later we were all listening to music and dancing. When we were done I went to sit down and finish writing up this weeks' to-do list and Jack said, "No, mommy, don't sit down in that chair. Play ball with me. Come on!"  So I gave in and we played "baseball" with a basketball and a screwdriver.  I just love how creative their play is.
  I was asking the boys if they wanted me to go to work tomorrow or stay home with them again and Logan said I could go to work.  Jack said, "No, mommy. You stay home." Then Logan changed his mind and said, "Yes, you stay home, mommy. Daddy can go to work."
They both thanked me for making muffins with them this morning.
This afternoon we were cutting Sukie's nails and Logan said, "Mommy, Sukie is being brave."
And finally tonight we were watching a movie before dinner and Jack was sitting next to me. Logan started climbing up onto my lap and he said to me, "Don't worry, mommy. I will be careful of your baby."  Cause I always tell them that they have to be gentle and not push on my belly.  
They are just as precious as can be.
And I am so thankful to finally
be home enjoying all of their
little moments.

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