I know it's early but I'm already looking for fun decorations that can hang on a pretty ribbon.
Won't you join me in making an Easter Tree this year? This was my tree last year and this year I have plans for something very different. Remember how fun the Christmas Kitchen Tree was to make? Well, this is even better.
keep those peepers open for things to hang on your tree or make your own and your tree will be full at Easter.
That beautiful Easter Lily that you may have in your home over Easter is poisonous to your cat.
Any part of the plant eaten by the cat may cause death. Please do not let your cat anywhere near one.
Why we love cats....
Cats are always interested in whatever you are interested in.
Cats never criticize
You never have to get up at 2am to feed a cat
Cats don't talk back
It's easy to make dinner for a cat
Cats don't need to be walked
Cats don't run up huge telephone bills
Cats don't mind if you call them silly names
There you have it.....now go out and adopt a cat. :)
I have kitties and bunnies to care for this week.
Hugs, Deb