Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 14, 2011

Intelligence Breakdown: Behind Team O's Egypt Gaffes -- Michael Walsh, New York Post

No matter how things shake out in Egypt, one thing has become depressingly clear: Something is very wrong with the American intelligence services.

First it was CIA Director Leon Panetta, telling a House committee there was a "strong likelihood" that Mubarak would step down Thursday night -- an erroneous prediction that, the CIA later admitted, turned out to be based on "press reports," not agency field work.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

In defense of the Pentagon's budget
-- Jamie M. Fly & John O. Noonan, Politico

US and Pakistan square off -- Bhadrakumar, Asia Times

Egypt, America and a blow to al Qaeda -- Reuters

Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Changing Face of Uzbek Militancy -- Jeffrey Dressler and David Witter, Small Wars Journal

Rising China Bests a Shrinking Japan
-- Chester Dawsonand Jason Dean, Wall Street Journal

Crude reality -- Jeremy Khan,

Weber's Exit Highlights Merkel's Euro Problem -- Christian Reiermann and Michael Sauga, Spiegel Online

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials On The Unrest In Egypt

Democracy or more of the same for Egypt under the military council -- Deutsche Welle
Egypt revolution: Will the Arab world's biggest nation become a real democracy? -- John Yemma, Christian Science Monitor
What They Said: Egypt Gets Rid of Pharaoh -- Wall Street Journal
Egypt protests continue in the factories -- Hossam el-Hamalawy, The Guardian
Is Egypt's Army Capable of Delivering Democracy? -- Aryn Baker, Time Magazine
How Egypt Can Make Democracy Work -- Alfred Stepan and Juan J. Linz, The Atlantic
Where is Egypt's Hosni Mubarak? -- Kathy Lally, Washington Post
Obama administration studies recent revolutions for lessons applicable in Egypt -- Scott Wilson, Washington Post
The Tragedy of Mubarak -- the Newsweek
Egypt insider: Mubarak's fall was years in the making -- McClatchy News
Wanted: A Grand Strategy for America -- Niall Fergusen, Newsweek

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