Badly-Wounded Iraq Veteran Being Heckled By Fellow Students

Heckled: Anthony Maschek lost a leg after being shot 11 times during a firefight in Iraq, but he was jeered on stage by fellow students at a town hall meeting

Badly-Wounded Iraq Veteran Is Heckled By Fellow Students In Debate Over Military Ban -- The Daily Mail

He survived being shot 11 times in Iraq, lost a leg and spent two years in hospital recovering from his wounds before winning a place at an Ivy League university.

But the courage of former U.S. army staff sergeant Anthony Maschek did not deter his fellow students from heckling him when he bravely took to the stage in a debate over Columbia University's military ban.

Mr Maschek, 28, was hissed, booed and jeered at when he spoke at a debate over whether the college in New York should allow the Reserve Officers' Training Corps back on campus.

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More News On A Badly-Wounded Iraq Veteran Being Heckled By Fellow Students

Purple Heart Recipient Heckled At Columbia University During Debate -- Real Clear World (Audio)
Wounded Iraq Vet Heckled at Columbia University -- FOX News
Wounded Iraq vet jeered at Columbia -- New York Post
War Hero Jeered, Called A racist At Colombia University -- Cypress Times
War hero heckled and jeered at Obama's alma mater -- Phil Boehmke, American Thinker
Anthony Maschek, Wounded War Vet, Heckled At Columbia University ROTC Hearing -- Huffington Post

My Comment: Yes yes yes .... my blood pressure always rises when I read stories like this one.