A good mug of 'Jo'

If you love to cook and enjoy blogs that have some great, easy recipes do drop by http://sweetnothingsbj.blogspot.com/ to visit with BJ. I have just made her veggie soup and it was delish. My daughter left with a container filled and Gary & I enjoyed a big bowl at dinner. Now don't get upset, but the dog had some too.HAH! HE LOVED IT!  She always cooks the most delicious looking food....you get fat just looking at her blog. Oh, but I love it. And, she's so funny. You'll be a follower, I just know it.
It is coffee day with my friends, Bobbi & Martha. After visiting the tuxedos & picking up keys for the weekend cat-sitting,  I will brush the cat hair off and drop in to my favorite bookstore to enjoy a great coffee with the ladies. This pic was taken 2 years ago but that's them.....my coffee-lovin'  friends. We don't change much.
 Bobbi, Martha & me.

We do this often just to catch up. It's a positive thing & I recommend it highly!

Hugs, Deb