Wars And Growing Conflicts To Watch For In 2011

SECURITY WATCH - U.S. Army Spc. Mark E. Fielding provides security for Afghan National Security Forces on day five of a six-day dismounted operation in Logar province, Afghanistan, Dec. 23, 2010. Fielding is assigned to the 10th Mountain Division's Company C, 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, Task Force Storm. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Cooper T. Cash

Next Year's Wars -- Foreign Policy

The 16 brewing conflicts to watch for in 2011.

Across the globe today, you'll find almost three dozen raging conflicts, from the valleys of Afghanistan to the jungles of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the streets of Kashmir. But what are the next crises that might erupt in 2011? Here are a few worrisome spots that make our list.

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My Comment: Another excellent post from Foreign Policy. The conflict that I am worried about is Mexico .... for the simple reason that it is next door. But brewing conflicts in Central Asia, Pakistan instability, and the usual suspects in Africa (Sudan, Congo, Nigeria, Somalia) are also on my radar.

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