Let Passion Drive Instruction with this Collection of Resources

If you believe passion driven / passion based instruction is a necessary component of educating innovatively, this collection of articles from my blog and elsewhere will get you started on your journey.

Article Description
Profile of a Passion-Driven StudentRead about passion-driven learning from the view of student Armond McFadden
When passion drives instruction no child is left behindA look into the traditional, passionless model of school.
Preparing Students for Success by Helping Them Discover and Develop Their PassionsOutlines some important elements of passion-based learning.
Differentiating Instruction is NOT Hard if We Tap into Student’s Passions!Explains how when we shift the focus to the student passion, differentiation just happens.
When students own the learning
One Great Way to Differentiate Instruction
These pieces show an on the ground view of what happened when innovative educators Keith Ferrell and Deven Black relinquished control and allowed students to take the reigns and learn in their own ways using the tools they choose.
Change the World - A Class that Should be Added to the Core Curriculum101 Ways to Change the World for a variety of audiences and purposes through several books available for free.
Stop and Listen to the ChildrenAnecdotes that provide insight into how adults can better listen to student’s hits about what drives them.
Promote Student Passions with Pencasting!Hear elementary student Giorgiano’s ideas for using smart pens to promote passions.
Innovative Data Driven Assessment and Differentiated Instruction VideoFeatures a great video that gets viewers thinking about what they stand for and what they are passionate about.
You Can Get a Dalton Education at a NYC Public SchoolPassion rules the roost at this school where every student knows their talents.
Engaging Students with Passion-Based Learning - Pt 1

Ideas for Engaging Students in Passion-Based Learning - Pt 2
Part 1 outlines ideas to support students in finding areas of passion, connecting them with others who share these interests, and develop strategies to learn more about their topic of interest. Part 2 outlines ideas for communicating, connecting, and creating as it relates to personal passion.

Note: This was originally posted on ISTE Connects which no longer exists. For the full piece visit this link for part 1 and this link for part 2.

Passion Driven Conversation Series
Angela Maiers rounded up educators driven by passion to contribute to this series. You can read all the posts here.

Passion Based Learning by Will Richardson
Passion Based Learning by Erin Murphy
Passion Based Learning by Konrad Glogowski
Passion Based Learning Article on CNET interview with John Seely Brown
Passion-Based Learning - Digital Literacy 2010 by Patrick Woessner

The Book
The Passion-Driven Classroom: A Framework for Teaching and Learning - Angela Maiers and Amy Sandvold

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