hunkering down one more day

I am tired of this GROUCH called Winter. Kane was waiting for spring to arrive before he went out for his first pee this morning. Seriously, he would  just look out the window and when I opened the door he just sat down and wouldn't go out. I layered up and we went for a walk in -25. Once he gets going he loves it and it was me that ended up with a frozen nose. OK..I'm exaggerating since I had a neck warmer that could be pulled up but you really did need to cover all exposed skin. He, on the other hand, didn't want to come in once we got back home. DOGS!!
I just heard that a woman who skated to work on our famous skating canal in Ottawa FROZE HER EYEBALLS and is now being hospitalized. What!!!

The weather is about to change very quickly. By Tuesday it will be much warmer. Still freezing....but warmer. Argh!

House still in disarray but tonight the floor will be finished and then will have to dry. I think next month we will remove the carpet from the spare room and do the same.....paint the floor. I just love painted floors.
The sun gets us through these cold, wintery days.

I hope you are having fun today.
hugs, Deb

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