Hello friends,My son has taken on a cause for his senior project that I admire and want to help him build support for. He's connect with an impoverished school in Nepal and is trying to raise money to bring them something they've never had, computers.
His goal is small, only two computers and the internet and it's all possible for $2000. He and his partner Jake have designed a website and are trying to leverage social networks to bring awareness to the school and to open up new possibilities for the school beyond computers.
They think that once the school gets online, they can leverage blogs and Skype to start connecting to other schools and students all over the world. I am hoping that you all can "like" their facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/
They also want to get people to bookmark their project page: http://ouropenworldproject.org ESSDACK is running funds through their non-profit foundation to ensure that perception is above board as they raise funds with the Paypal donation button on their page. We thank you for any help and exposure you can lend to this cause
Kevin Honeycutt